Many people are hooked on fly fishing, and easy to get engrossed in a specific task, such as setting up a nymph rig or fly dead drifting. Whether a newbie or a seasoned one, you never stop learning in fly fishing. But that is what makes it popular among anglers. There is always a fly fishing gear, style, technique, fishing ground, etc., waiting for you to explore.
The following are tips that can help make your time in the water successful:
Go upstream when fishing.
When you are catching trout in small water, working upstream is an advantage. By doing this, you can see clearly those series of runs and pools ahead of you. So, plan a fly fishing adventure upstream and think of your moves in advance. Place yourself in a good position when casting, crouch and keep your shadow out of the water, no sudden movements, and you will be fine.
Approach the water carefully.
Sometimes, pick specific areas to swim lazily, even those without protection, such as areas near the bank. While you are on the edge of the water, stop and survey the pool before you begin to wade in and cast. It is possible to see big fish far from the main current. If you are impatient, you are never going to see them and will eventually miss the opportunity to catch some.
Make a good cast presentation.
The key to an effective presentation is having the right fly fishing gear and knowing how to control the rod tip. Before lowering it, make sure the tip of the rod on the presentation cast stops at eye level so that the loop can roll out easily. Dropping it too early causes the fly line to crash on the surface.
Dead drift a streamer
One technique that you should learn as a fly fisherman is streamer dead-drifting. For this, you will want the current to control the fly. Use the line to align the fly and make it perpendicular to the current. When drifting a streamer between boulders or along a bank, use the high-sticking technique to avoid the impact of the current; thus, reducing the amount of contact between the fly line and the water. A streamer will give you an advantage in such situations.
Learn to cast in a strong crosswind
When the direction of the wind is straight into your casting; what you need to do is change your position. As a result, the wind will blow the fly line in the other direction, away from your body. Make a backcast presentation and try to cast normally. It is important to stop the tip of the rod completely during that backcast to help you unroll the line properly.
How to get the attention of fish in high water
When fishing in high water, avoid using the match the hatch technique. In other words, use bigger flies for such situations, for example, Copper Johns, conehead streamers, stonefly nymphs, and other flashy fish baits. Also, white, black, and fluorescents are among the best colours when fly fishing in dark water.
When you are a beginner in the sport, you only need to bring a few essentials like a reel, rod, and flies. But, the key to successful angling is using the right fly fishing gear according to where you are going. Do not forget the tips above to make the most of your time there.