Nothing is as exciting and new as the time after the birth of your baby. The first days at home, the first sleepless nights and: the first trips together outside. From now on, the stroller becomes your constant companion. Although it makes life a lot easier for you, there are also some challenges in handling the stroller. What you need to look out for a relaxed trip into the city, you can read here.
With the stroller on the way in bus and train
Especially in larger cities, public transport is the most important means of transportation. If you want to continue to use it with the stroller, here are some useful tips:
1. Take a little more time than usual. Many subway and underground stations have stairs. These are difficult or even impossible to master with a stroller, and the journey by elevator usually takes a little longer.
2. Ask for help! Getting into the bus and train can be more difficult than you think with a fully loaded stroller. Do not be afraid to ask other passengers or the driver if they can help with the car’s lifting.
3. Stand in front of the bus and tram stop, usually, there is a walk-in or lower able entrance for wheelchair users and strollers.
4. Practice creates masters! Even before your first outing to the city you can test how best to lift the new stroller, collapses and how to safely stow purchases.
5. Pay attention already at the purchase on the dimensions of the baby carriage! If you often travel by train or bus, it should not be too wide.
If you go out in the daylight, a stroller with a built-in umbrella will be great for your baby. It will protect your baby from the sunlight. Look for some best umbrella stroller review on the internet, determine what features will be a great fit for you. Then make the best choice for your baby.
In the pedestrian area and shopping center
What could be nicer than a leisurely Saturday stroll through the city center and a coffee or tea in the sunshine? You do not have to do without the new family addition. These tips will help you to have a relaxing trip with the stroller:
1. A smaller, more maneuverable stroller with swiveling front wheels makes life easier. More powerful outdoor models are very difficult to maneuver through the often tight sales desks in small shops.
2. Attention: The use of escalators is prohibited with the stroller! Therefore, keep your eyes open while strolling through the birthing process and realize whether (and where!) Elevators are available to you.
3. A little more flexibility is offered by strollers, where you have the opportunity to remove the carrycot or attach a baby carrier to the frame. So you can – if there is no other way – wear your offspring and connect the frame or even with a saleswoman, if there is no other way.
Advantages of stroller
- you have the opportunity to “drive” the baby on the way to sleep
- Modern baby carriages are very easy to move and comfortable
- As a rule, a practical shopping basket is integrated
- In summer, the baby is always in the shade in the car
The first trips with the stroller will certainly be a new experience for you. With a few small tricks, however, there is nothing in the way of your joint shopping trips. Just spend a little more time, remember where you find the elevators and do not be afraid, even for help.